Еўрапейская Народная Партыя патрабуе рэгістрацыі БХД і вызвалення палітвязняў

09 снежня 2011 12:06  |  Галоўныя навіны

Буйнейшая палітычная сіла Еўропы – Еўрапейская Народная Партыя 8 снежня на кангрэсе ЕНП у Марсэлі прыняла Надзвычайную рэзалюцыю па Беларусі. Заява была падрыхтавана пры актыўным удзеле Беларускай Хрысціянскай Дэмакратыі.


Прадстаўнікі ЕНП рашуча асудзілі выкарыстанне грубай сілы з боку беларускіх спецслужб і “ўсе рэпрэсіі прадпрынятыя беларускім рэжымам супраць народа Беларусі”. “ЕНП заклікае беларускія ўлады забяспечыць належную медыцынскую і юрыдычную дапамогу тым, хто знаходзіцца ў турме, і заклікае беларускія ўлады неадкладна спыніць усе формы пераследу, запалохвання або пагроз у дачыненні да актывістаў грамадзянскай супольнасці, а таксама выключэнні з універсітэтаў і працоўных месцаў”, – гаварыцца ў заявее.


Еўрапейская Народная Партыяі “заклікае беларускія ўлады неадкладна адмяніць усе законы, якія забяспечваюць аснову для далейшага запалохвання і пераследу беларусаў іх уласным урадам і парушаюць іх асноўныя правы і свабод”, – кажа тэкст рэзалюцыі.


ЕНП заклікае міжнародную супольнасць замарозіць фінансавую дапамогу беларускаму рэжыму, а ЕС спыніць якія-небудзь перамовы з беларускімі ўладамі да поўнага вызвалення і рэабілітацыі ўсіх палітвязняў, у тым ліку сябраў БХД: Паўла Севярынца, Яўгена Васіковіча, Змітра Дашкевіча і іншых.


ЕНП таксама патрабуе адмяніць вынесены смяротны прысуд па справе віцебскіх і менскіх тэрактаў, паколькі еўрапейскія палітыкі вельмі моцна занепакоеныя судовым працэсам па гэтай справе. “Мы звяртаемся да беларускіх уладаў з просьбай дазволіць міжнародную дапамогу, каб вынесці справядлівы канчатковы вердыкт за гэта злачынства”, – гаворыцца ў рэзалюцыі.


ЕНП заклікае Еўрапейскі Саюз пераарыентаваць сваю дапамогу Беларусі, каб палегчыць зносіны людзей і ўмацаваць фінансавую і тэхнічную падтрымку дэмакратычнай апазіцыі і арганізацый грамадзянскай супольнасці, у тым ліку незарэгістраваных, а таксама для студэнтаў і незалежных СМІ. ЕНП лічыць неабходным падтрымліваць дыялог – у межах дакладных прынцыпаў, – з прадстаўнікамі беларускіх уладаў і выкарыстоўваць усе існуючыя магчымасці для аказання ціску на палітычныя эліты аб неабходнасці прасоўвання дэмакратычных рэформаў, з мэтай паляпшэння сітуацыі ў Беларусі. “Гэты дыялог павінен стаць часткай круглага сталом, прычым з актыўнай прысутнасцю прадстаўнікоў беларускай апазіцыі для таго, каб рэалізаваць натуральнае права прыняць рашэнне аб будучыні сваёй краіны”, – паведамляецца ў дакуменце.

ЕНП таксама заклікае беларускія ўлады спыніць свае спробы перашкодзіць законнай рэгістрацыі палітычных партый і НДА. А менавіта ЕНП адзначала праблемы з рэгістрацыяй Партыі “Беларуская Хрысціянская Дэмакратыя”, праваабарончага цэнтра “Вясна”, Маладога фронту, Асамблеі дэмакратычных няўрадавых арганізацый.

ЕНП заклікае міжнародныя фінансавыя інстытуты, ўрады і бізнес прымаць да ўвагі пастановы дадзенай Дэкларацыі пры правядзенні супрацоўніцтва з уладамі Беларусі. “ЕНП заяўляе аб сваёй падтрымцы ў поўнай меры ўключаць Беларусь у структуры Усходняга партнёрства, у тым ліку Еўранэст, як толькі міжнародная супольнасць, уключаючы АБСЕ, палічыць парламенцкія выбары ў Беларусі дэмакратычнымі, свабоднымі і справядлівымі”, – адзначылі ў Еўрапейскай Народнай Партыі.


“Беларуская Хрысціянская Дэмакратыя” з’яўляецца партнеёрам Еўрапейскай Народнай Партыі. І дадзеная рэзалюцыя з’явілася, у тым ліку і дзякуючы працы і прапановам БХД. Мы вельмі радыя, што рэзалюцыя адлюстроўвае наша бачанне сітуацыі ў краіне і бачаньне неабходнай рэакцыі з боку еўрапейскіх структур і ЕС”, – адзначыў сустаршыня БХД Віталь Рымашэўскі.


Поўны тэкст рэзалюцыі:


Emergency Resolution adopted by the EPP Congress, Marseilles (France),

7th – 8th December 2011

Supporting the People of Belarus

Being aware that the presidential election of 19th December 2010 in Belarus was overshadowed by

serious irregularities on the day of voting and by the violence that erupted on election night, when

over 700 persons were detained for their participation in the demonstration showing their

opposition to the election results. Many of the detained have been released after serving short

administrative sentences, while 24 opposition activists and journalists, including 6 presidential

candidates, have been charged with “organising mass disorder” that resulted in imprisonment,

house arrests or suspended sentences;

Following closely the significant deterioration of the political situation in Belarus, which appeared

immediately after the election with repressive measures undertaken by state institutions against

members of the democratic opposition, the free media, civil society activists and human rights

defenders; despite repeated calls from the international community to halt them immediately;

Having regard to the Joint Declaration of the Prague Eastern Partnership Summit, co-signed by

Belarus, stating in paragraph 1 that: ‘The participants of the Prague Summit agree that the Eastern

Partnership will be based on commitments to the principles of international law and to

fundamental values, including democracy, the rule of law and the respect for human rights and

fundamental freedoms’;

Whereas the European Council, on 25th October 2010, ‘called on the Belarusian authorities to

ensure that the presidential elections are conducted in line with international norms and

standards for democratic elections and Belarus’s commitments in the OSCE and the UN’;

Having regard to the joint statement by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and European Union

High Representative Catherine Ashton, of 23rd December 2010, on the post-election situation in


Having regard to the final report on the presidential election in Belarus published by the OSCE

Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (OSCE/ODIHR) and the OSCE Parliamentary

Assembly (OSCE PA) on 22nd February 2011;

Having regard to the Joint Statement on Belarus issued by the President of the European

Parliament and the Chairs of the Foreign Affairs Committee, the Human Rights Sub-Committee,

the Delegation for Relations with Belarus and the Delegation to the EURONEST Parliamentary

Assembly of 12th January 2011, condemning the brutal repression of the peaceful demonstrations

in Belarus of 19th December 2010;

Having regard to the outcome of the 3065th Foreign Affairs Council meeting of 31st January 2011

and to the statements issued by the High Representative, Lady Ashton, on the conviction and

sentencing of a Belarusian opposition representative on 18th February 2011 and by her

Spokesperson on Belarusian authorities’ brutal handling of silent protesters of 16th July 2011;

Having regard to the European Council Decision 2011/357/CFSP amending decision

2010/639/CFSP concerning restrictive measures against certain officials of Belarus;


Having regard to the UN Human Rights Council resolution of 17th June 2011 condemning human

rights violations before, during and after the presidential elections in Belarus and calling on the

Belarusian government to end the “persecution” of opposition leaders;

Having regard to the Council of Europe resolution of 22nd June 2011 on the freedom of association

in the Republic of Belarus and to the resolution of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of

Europe of 27th January 2011 on the situation in Belarus in the aftermath of the presidential


Having regard to the statement by EU High Representative Catherine Ashton on the death

sentences in Belarus and the statement of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe

Thorbjørn Jagland, calling on Belarus not to carry out the death sentence of 1st December 2011;

The EPP strongly condemns the use of brutal force by the police and KGB services against the

protesters on election day and all repression undertaken afterwards by the Belarusian regime

against the people of Belarus;

The EPP calls on the Belarusian authorities to provide proper medical and legal assistance to those

in jail and urges the Belarusian authorities to stop immediately all forms of harassment,

intimidation or threats against civil society activists, as well as expulsions from universities and


The EPP urges the European Union and its member states to remain committed to strengthening

engagement and cooperation with the people of Belarus, who by many means expressed clearly

their wish and aspirations for democracy, respect for fundamental freedoms and the rule of law;

The EPP calls on the Belarusian authorities to immediately revoke all laws, which provide a basis

for further intimidation and harassment of Belarusians by their own government and are violating

their basic rights and freedoms, namely the laws: “On Mass Events in the Republic of Belarus”,

“On State Security Bodies in the Republic of Belarus”, “On Political Parties”, “On Public Assembly”,

“On Public Associations”, “Code on Administrative Offenses”, “On Religious Organizations”, and

the “Criminal Code”

The EPP calls on the international community to freeze its financial assistance to the Belarusian

regime and on the EU to halt any negotiations with the Belarusian authorities until all detained

and arrested opposition leaders, human rights defenders, journalists, presidential candidates and

their supporters, namely Pavel Seviarynets, Ales Bialiatski, Mikalai Autukhovich, Andrei Sannikau,

Dzimtry Bandarenka, Dzmitry Us, Mikalai Statkevich, DzmitryDashkevich, Eduard Lobau, Yauhen

Vaskovich, Ihar Alinevich, Aliaksandr Frantskevich, Mikalaj Dziadok, Artsiom Prakapenka and Pavel

Syramalotau, are released, cleared off all charges and fully rehabilitated. These measures are also

requested for those who have already concluded their imprisonment, as well as post mortem


The EPP wholeheartedly condemns all acts of terrorism and violence against innocent people. Our

thoughts and support are with the victims and their families of the terrible act committed in Minsk

on 11th April 2011.

The EPP underlines the right of every person to an independent and fair trial including


independent and impartial investigation process. This has to be applied in all times and with full

respect for the dignity of every human person.

The European Union opposes capital punishment under all circumstances. The death penalty is

considered to be a cruel and inhuman punishment, which fails to act as a deterrent and represents

an unacceptable denial of human dignity and integrity.

Based on these values and on our commitment to human dignity the EPP demands that the

sentence of capital punishment against Dzmitry Kanavalaw and Uladzislaw Kavalyow, pronounced

on 30th November 2011, be revoked.

The EPP is deeply concerned by the legal process applied to these young men and notes the

continuing public disquiet with the investigation of the bombing on 11th April 2011 in Minsk. As of

5th December 2011 more than 50,000 signatures were collected against the execution of the two

individuals convicted of terrorism. We appeal to the Belarusian authorities to allow international

assistance in order to pronounce a fair final verdict for this crime.

The EPP takes note of the current EU official approach of sanctioning the Belarusian authorities,

whilst striving to strengthen ties with the civil society and the people in Belarus;

In this respect, the EPP urges the European Union to reorientate its assistance to Belarus, in order

to better facilitate people-to-people relations and to strengthen financial and technical support to

the democratic opposition and civil society organisations, including those non-registered, as well

as to students and independent media;

The EPP considers it necessary to maintain dialogue – within clear guidelines – with representatives

of the Belarusian authorities and to use all existing possibilities to exert pressure on the political

elite about the need to promote democratic reforms, in order to improve the situation in Belarus.

Based on the principle of subsidiarity and the right of every citizen to take part in decision making,

this dialogue has to be part of a round table, with an active presence of the representatives of the

Belarusian opposition, in order to exercise their natural right to decide about the future of their


The EPP calls on the Belarusian authorities to stop their attempts to hinder legal registration of

political parties and NGOs; thereby denying its citizens access to their basic civic and political

rights. Namely, we noted problems with the registration of the political party, The Belarusian

Christian Democracy and the NGOs Viasna, Malady Front, the Assembly of Democratic NGOs;

Brestskaya Vesna; the Gomel Branch of Rukh Za Svobodu; Govori Pravdu; Young Democrats NGO;

Zolotoi Lev and the registered national NGO “Rukh Za Svobodu” was denied registration of its

branches in Minsk, Brest and Mogilev.

The EPP calls on the international financial institutions, governments and businesses to take into

account the provisions of this Declaration when conducting cooperation with the authorities of


The EPP confirms its support to fully include Belarus into the structures of the Eastern Partnership,

including the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly, as soon as parliamentary elections in Belarus are

considered democratic, free and fair by the international community, including the OSCE.

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