Sadouski Dzianis, Executive secretary
Born on June 11, 1983 in Minsk.
– Minsk Institute of Management, specialization – economist (2006).
– Minsk automobile construction college (2002), specialization – economist-marketing specialist.
Professional activity:
– Executive secretary of the organizational committee of the party “Belarusian Christian Democracy”.
– Member of the Belarusian Association of journalists (BAJ), freelance journalist.
Civic activity:
– Organizer of the fighting against occultism campaign (December 2007 – 2008), as a result of which the state forbade advertising of occultism in the mass media.
– One of the coordinators of the campaign in defense of the right for the freedom of conscience (March 2007 – May 2008). During the campaign more that 50 thousand people signed for changing of the law “On Freedom of Conscience”, which violates the rights of Christians in Belarus.
– One of the organizers of the campaign “Repentance” (2007), dedicated to honouring the memory of the victims of mass repressions in the 70th anniversary of the peak of Stalin’s repressions.
– Organizer of a series of local campaigns at Frunzenski district, dedicated to rising of the life level and improving of conditions of living in the district.
Experience of work in the electoral campaigns:
– Active member of the staff of A. Milinkevich in the presidential campaign in the year 2006.
– Candidate to the local deputy council at the elections in 2007.
– Healthy style of life.
– Sports (football).
– Fishing.