BCD was denied a possibility to hold the registration Congress indoors

The Belarusian Christian Democracy Party (BCD) is organising its registration congress on June 13, 2015 in Minsk. This will be BCD’s fifth attempt to get state registration. All previous attempts were unsuccessful and accompanied by the repressions against the founders of the party.
In mid-April the BCD filed 13 applications to
various organizations in Minsk with a request to rent a conference hall – all
of them were answered with refusals. Minsk City Executive Committee said that
it can not assist the party in obtaining a venue for the Congress.
The Belarusian authorities do not leave
Christian Democrats other choice than applying to hold the Congress on Svabody
square in the centre of Minsk.
The BCD operates in Belarus since 2007. During this time, the Christian
Democrats have held dozens of national and regional political and social
campaigns (improvement of health care, education, regulation of the activities
of religious organizations, care for environment, human rights, etc.). The BCD
has had and has deputies in local councils of deputies; unfortunately, in the
whole of Belarus presently there is only one member of the local council from
democratic political parties; this person belongs to the BCD.
The BCD actively cooperates with sister parties in Germany, United States,
Austria, Norway, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Ukraine and other
Belarusian Christian Democrats send their plea of support and solidarity to all
partners, parliaments and governments of EU states and United States. Your
pressure on the Belarusian regime can make a difference!